Tom Fleming
Bloomfield, NJ
DOB: July 23, 1951
2:12:05 PB
Starting running age 17 yrs ... a senior in HS .... four years later finished 2nd the the BAA the first time. I trained hard 7-8 moths a year and with a passion, hated to lose but realized it is part of sports .... learned a lot of lessons that I now pass on yo my young stable of HS runners! My best marathon efforts were ALWAYS at BAA '73, '74, '75 and '79 (6 times in the top ten) ... and in LA in 1981 which I won .... 63 total marathons, 27 sub two twenty. I have 124,336 in my 20 volumes of diaries ... I quit keeping track of my mileage in 2000. BTW, LSD wasn't the key ... LFD was always my goal ... looking back, the easy 20 mile "recovery days" were vital with my so called "high mileage." It worked for me!