Ray Lapinski has logged 105,527 miles (Dec. 20, 2016)

Ray Lapinski
New Hartford, CT
DOB: 6-4-1953
My name is Ray Lapinski, and I am an assistant coach at Central Connecticut State University. I was born on June 4, 1953, and began running as a junior in high school in 1970. I competed at Southern Connecticut State University, and have had the opportunity to coach and compete overseas in Australia and New Zealand.

I have been named to the Australian coaching staff on two occasions and have led the US team three times. I served as the head of development for distance running, for USATF, from 1997-2004. I also served as Carol McLatchie's vice chair of Women's Long Distance Running for seven years.

I kept accurate training diaries from 1973 through 1992. My highest mileage for a single year came in 1985, when I totaled 5075 miles. My highest week ever was 127 miles. I ran 60 miles on my 60th birthday, in 2013. I wrote about this endeavor in New England Runner. "Sixty on Sixty" Nov. 2013. My total lifetime miles at this point could be off by plus or minus 100 miles. 

My PR's are not that impressive since I was a long sprinter in college (440, 600, the odd 880).  Didn't break 15:00 in the 5k until I was 33 years old.

5k  14:57
5 miles 24:12
10k 31:57
10 mile 51:58