Marina Del Rey, CA
DOB: June 7, 1957
I ran the ~1.25 mile Turkey Trot around campus on the day before Thanksgiving each year at the University of Louisville--I think that I finished 11th, 11th, 15th, and 7th--with "real plastic" awards given to the Top Ten. And then on 4/4/78--six weeks before graduating--I began to prepare for the Kentucky Derby Mini-Marathon, a 13-mile race on 5/1/78 that I finished in 1:26:48.:26
My race PRs include a 2:35:33 in the 1985 Boston Marathon, a 1:12:13 in the 1984 Philadelphia Distance Run, and a 33:18 in the 1986 Beverly Hills 10K. I ran nine sub-2:40 marathons and nine sub-34 10Ks. My distance PRs include an 8,170-mile (fiscal) year, 936-mile month, 250-mile week, and a 36-mile day. As of 12/31/16, I had 173,840 lifetime miles and 153,764 streak miles. And my running streak is nearing 31 years.
I've run in ASICS since the early 80's, and I credit replacing my shoes every 200 miles with preserving my joints. Moreover, I haven't raced since the 1991 Valley of the Flowers Marathon in Lompoc, CA (2:35:43), which enables me to avoid the train/taper/race/recover cycle. As such, I have run at least 300 miles each month since.