Patrick Albregts
Currently reside in Queen Creek, AZ and Minocqua, WI (depending on which has better running weather)Born October, 1958
My first running experience was on my Junior High School track team in 1970. I ran a 5:13 mile at age 13, which to this day remains my PR. When I graduated from college I became a recreational runner for almost 20 years. Despite running, over the years I gained weight, so to lose it, in my early 40’s I trained for and ran my first marathon.
Over the next 15 years I ran 31 marathons and one ultra. I also ran countless half marathons and 10K’s. I qualified twice for Boston and earned my Six Star World Marathon Major medal by completing the Tokyo Marathon in 2017. At the time, there were only about 1,200 Six Star finishers. I have run on 6 continents and in over 50 foreign countries including, South Africa, Brazil, Egypt, Russia, China, Jordan, Peru, Australia, India, Thailand and Viet Nam to name a few.
My marathon PR is 3:35, my half marathon PR 1:33 and my 10K PR 38:30. It took me 26 years to run my first 50,000 miles and 14 years to run the last 50,000. If there were two words to describe me, it would be “slow” and “steady”. I’m guessing that describes a lot of us in the golden years of our running.
Now that I have hit 100,000 miles, I will wake up tomorrow morning and do the only thing I know to do- go for a run.