Andy Ferrara
Spring, TX
I do not know if anyone has ever set out with the intent to run 100,000 miles. At least I cannot
imagine it. I started running as a sophomore (1963) in high school (Erasmus Hall in Brooklyn). I just
wanted to make the track team. Once on the team I discovered cross-country and wanted to be a part of
that as well. Little did I realize that it would become such a big part of my life.
After high school I
attended the City College of New York (CCNY) and continued running cross-country and track. After a
change of majors, I was determined to be a track and cross-country coach. I “floated” around to various
NYC high schools, as was typical in the 1970’s, until finally getting permanently assigned to South Shore
HS in Brooklyn.
My running stopped during this time, as family, teaching and coaching filled my time.
The NYC financial crises changed all of that in 1976. I lost my job after 7 nearly years. I began running
again as a release and to have “time to think.” I ended up in Houston, Texas and continued my teaching
and coaching career. I retired last June after a total of 52 years teaching and coaching in high school.
Once in Texas I resumed serious training again and started a running streak that continues to
this day. On August 18, 2021, it reached 44 years (16,071 days). I ran my first marathon in Houston in
December 1977 (2:59:19). I followed it with the 1978 NYC Marathon (a disaster of over ambitious
proportions). My best time was a 2:38:01 in 1984 in the Houston Marathon.
Probably my proudest race
was in 2016. After not racing for 25 years or so, I gave the Houston Half Marathon a try. Less than 2
months before my 68 th birthday I ran 1:52:45 and finished 7 th in the 65-69 age group, surpassing all of my
As I started out saying, I never intended to run 100,000 miles. Neither did I plan to have a
running streak still going. These just happened.
About 7 years ago I noticed I was less than 16,000 miles
away. Thanks to digital spreadsheets, I was able to estimate when I could reach 100k. Suddenly it did not
look as close as it did originally. At the daily mileage I was running, the prediction was to reach it in
January 2022. Naturally being a runner, a coach, a competitor a new goal presented itself. Do not just
run 100k, beat the predicted date as well.
So here I am in October 2021, and I will reach 100,000 miles
on Monday November 1 st . Two and half month ahead of schedule. To the average person, I know all this
sounds crazy. But to those on this web site it probably sounds pretty typical, no “biggie.”
Of course, I can see a new goal taking shape: 100,000 miles for my running streak. That will
require at least another 4 years. Why not? I will just 77 years old.